Monday, May 23, 2011

First Trip to Moss Rock Preserve

On Saturday we headed to Moss Rock Preserve.  We had a GREAT time.  We told the big kids that we would go hiking as soon as Penelope work up from her nap, and the kids were crazy excited about it.  Penelope was pretty happy herself.

Penelope’s newest thing is waving.  My mom was here last week and taught Penelope how to wave.  Penelope LOVES showing off her new skill and just loves it when someone waves at her so that she can wave back.  She definitely entertained the people behind us at church yesterday.  Here she is showing off her new skills:

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Gary had actually gotten a new “baby backpack” for his birthday, but it isn’t going to work out and he is going to return it.  He has found a different baby carrier and is going to try that one out instead.  It just takes a while to find the right baby carrier for hiking!  For now, he’s making due with the one we have. . . .

DSC_1322 WWe told the kids that we were going to go look at some big rocks.  They seemed excited.  However, they weren’t that excited about what we thought were the big rocks.  Instead, they got more excited about the one-pound rocks that they could pick up and carry around.  I took some photos of them with the big rocks anyway.

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After we hiked for a bit, and sat and had some water, we spent some time playing and climbing and running – and shaking trees.  I’m not sure why shaking trees was so exciting, but the kids loved it. 

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We will definitely be heading back to Moss Rock Preserve soon!!


Janine said...

Heather! Your children are absolutely beautiful! I am going to make you laugh now: your pictures make me want triplets! I hope my husband doesn't see this. He might--he reads your blog too! Ha!

Heather said...

Thanks, Janine!! Triplets are awesome!! Their relationship with each other is just amazing. I love watching them interact and develope their bond. Hope your hubby doesn't get too scared! :)