Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Supporting Cast

I realized the other day that there are a lot of very important family members that our blog readers may not have officially met.  So, this past weekend while Gary was at the pediatrician with Piper and Rosemary, and Penelope was taking a nap, Henry and I decided to take photos of the supporting cast for you to meet.

First, Piper’s supporting cast:

DSC_0097 W Doggie a/k/a Blue Doggie

DSC_0093 W Blue Doggie’s foot – that Piper sucks on for comfort

DSC_0099 W Doggie

DSC_0105 W Doggie (do you see a name theme here?)

DSC_0108 W Buddy (which is how Piper says “bunny”)

Then we have Henry’s supporting cast:

DSC_0109 W Duckie

DSC_0111 W Monkey (we are so creative with names)

DSC_0091 W Turtle (yeah, I know – you try telling the kid it’s not a turtle)

And Rosemary’s supporting cast:

DSC_0096 WDoggie a/k/a Blue Doggie (and Rosemary also sucks on her Blue Doggie’s foot)

DSC_0088 W Doggie

DSC_0089 W Piggy a/k/a Bacon

Henry totally gave me a taste of my own medicine during this process.  As you can see from this last photo, he was standing at alert to take away the photographic target.  He understood that we were photographing the important toys, and he brought them over for me to photograph.  However, I could barely get the photograph taken and he would take them away and put down another toy.  At one point I started asking him to wait a minute and let me take another photo, and he responded, “No!  Done!”  Hmmm.  I think he’s heard that somewhere before.  

DSC_0130 W

As of right now, Penelope has not identified any favorites, but I’m sure that will happen soon enough.  So that she doesn’t get shortchanged on this post, I will share that today, one day shy of 8 months old, she started pulling up to standing.  She pulls herself up then just giggles and laughs hysterically.  She is very proud of her new talent!

1 comment:

Brian and Crystal said...

Thanks for the inspiration for a new post! You never realize how attached your kids get to something until you see someone else point it out. There are a few things that ours have that if these items were taken away, it would be mayhem!