Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

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I hope you all had a great 4th of July!  We had an amazing weekend.  The last couple of months have been really busy:  packing and vacation, kids’ birthday party, potty training, some big work stuff going on. . . .  And I knew that this weekend could be a laidback weekend – the first in a long time.  I hoped to do some laundry and some cooking, and I did.  I hoped to avoid work, which I’ve almost done.  I was so looking forward to such a great weekend that I just knew something was going to happen to ruin it – for instance a day in the ER.  But, nothing ruined it.  It’s been a great weekend.

We went to our neighborhood pool twice – Saturday and today.  We went to Costco.  We grilled out.  We played in the yard a lot.  We painted toenails.  We took some great naps each day.  I managed to make a dent in the piles of stuff sitting in the kitchen and I think I’ve mostly stayed caught up with laundry.  Sure I forgot to make that breakfast casserole that must be made the night before every single night, and I completely forgot to make the dinner I’d planned for tonight, but we managed.  Mostly, we just had fun being together as a family.

Sunday afternoon I pulled out some red, white, and blue pinwheels that I thought would be a good photography prop the kids would enjoy.  Henry was hilarious.  He kept trying to blow on the pinwheel to get it to spin, but he had a hard time getting the angle just right.

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All day yesterday Rosemary kept asking to go “pimmin’.”  It took us a while to figure that one out, but she was saying that she wanted to go swimming!  She is definitely our little fish.  Today she had an inflatable ball that she refused to put down.  She will swim by herself, and Piper will a little bit as long as Gary or I are close enough for her to grab.  Henry prefers to play outside of the pool or on the pool steps, but Gary swam off with him today and Henry really enjoyed it.

DSC_2983 W DSC_2961 W DSC_2971 W DSC_2952 WWe stayed at the pool for about two hours, then went back home for a late lunch and baths.  Then the storms set in.  I know that the storms probably disappointed a lot of people and ruined some holiday plans, but I was thrilled to have some storms move in for our afternoon naps.  Unfortunately the electricity went out, but it was only out for about two hours and didn’t get too warm before it came back on.  Perfect napping conditions. 

Gary and I watched some fireworks on the television tonight.  Maybe next year we’ll get everyone out to actually watch the fireworks, but this year we thought the late bedtime would be too much for Penelope to handle. 

Now back to work tomorrow. . . .

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