Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pictures with Mommy and Daddy

Everyone keeps telling us that we don't have enough pictures of the parents with the babies. So, the other day, Gary and I took some time and took pictures of each of us with all three babies (one day we'll get another family portrait of all five of us).

The babies received their Synagis shots on Tuesday, and were weighed right before they got their shots. Here are those weights:

Piper = 14 pounds 3 ounces
Henry = 15 pounds 11 ounces
Rosemary = 12 pounds 4 ounces

I can't believe how big these babies are!!!


bathroomchat said...

Precious is the first thing that comes to mind, when I see your pictures. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to seeing more of your growing babies.

Jennifer said...

George's facial expressions crack me up! Is he the ham of the 3?

Heather said...

He is DEFINITELY the ham of the three. . . . He is so social and just loves personal attention. He thinks people are better than any toy, but the girls -- not so much!

Cathy said...

They are huge! And I agree -- it is obvious from these pictures that Henry is a major ham!