Friday, April 9, 2010


We bought the babies some big Lego-like blocks. I broke them out the weekend before Easter, and they LOVED them. Piper especially -- she sat and played with them for a very long time. She seems to have a love-hate relationship with the blocks, though. At one point, she couldn't get two blocks put together the way she wanted them. She stood up as if that would help matters, but it didn't. Eventually, she let out a yell, threw one of the blocks, threw the other block, then pulled back her little leg and kicked the heck of the blocks on the floor! It was hilarious. I have no idea where she gets her temper from. . . .

1 comment:

Jamie said...

cassie and piper would get along. i've never seen her so occupied then when she's building a masterpiece. i love how she's holding the animal to her nose, too- my girls totally do that...