I've told many of you what a good, easy baby Piper is. She came home from the hospital first. She starting holding her head up first. To put her sleep, all you have to do is swaddle her and lay her down and she's out in a matter of minutes. She has not had to visit the pediatric urologist, when both Henry and Rosemary have. She does not have reflux like her brother and sister. She usually eats well -- and quickly. She is not needy, and in fact does not appear to like cuddling (although I do love a cuddler, that is okay because I already have one big-time cuddler in the bunch -- Henry). She loves her swing, her bumbo, and her boppy, and is happy to sit there until she's ready to go back to bed.
So what is wrong with Piper? Well, you would think nothing UNTIL you put her next to her brother and sister and take out a camera. I don't know what it is about group shots, but simply the sight of a camera when she is laying next to her brother and sister causes her to completely freak out. As you can imagine, this makes it very hard to get a nice picture of all three of them. Henry will smile for the camera, and we can get Rosemary to smirk, but the best we can do with Piper is hope that in one of the pictures her mouth will be closed and it will not be too apparent that she's just taking a nice, deep breath before she starts screaming again.
So, here's my only proof that Piper is not perfect: