Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Day of Playschool

Almost two weeks ago, the kids had their first day of playschool. They were really excited about wearing their backpacks and carrying the lunchboxes that Nana gave them. Actually, I still think that is their favorite part of playschool. . . . Anyway. Here are some photos of the kids getting ready to go. 

DSC_0900 cropped DSC_0906 DSC_0909 CS Faded Daydreams DSC_0922 CS Little Perk DSC_0924 CS Faded Daydreams DSC_0926 PW Dim the Lights DSC_0928 CS Classic B&W Cropped DSC_0938 CS Classic B&W DSC_0953 CS Classic B&W Cropped

Gary and I took the kids to their first day of playschool. I was terrified that we'd be late (I now know that timeliness is not a huge issue with playschool), so we got there early and waited in the hall for a few minutes. DSC_0962 CS Faded Daydreams Cropped

Then the kids walked straight into the room, handed over their prized backpacks and lunchboxes, and started their day. . . . DSC_0972 CS Little Perk Cropped

And then we were shooed away. Gary was a little out of sorts because he was used to telling each of them good-bye one at a time, but since they walked straight into their room (where parents aren't supposed to go so that the kids don't get too out of sorts over the whole parents are leaving situation), he missed that opportunity. I was a little surprised that no one seemed to care much that we left them. I think that since they have each other that they don't worry so much when they don't have Gary or me there with them. We have since learned from the playschool director that they are very independent and don't fight play just with each other, which makes me very proud. 

The kids have been in speech therapy for a while -- more than 6 months. When we had the kids assessed at 18 months, they really didn't talk. They made noises, but they didn't have any words -- or even anything that would pass for a word. They have made huge improvements, but weren't even close to being caught up. Within just a couple of weeks of playschool they are talking more than ever. I really think that this is going to give them the push that they need to start talking more and get caught up! We had the kids re-assessed for speech about a week ago, and they still qualify for speech therapy through Children's Hospital's Early Intervention program. The good news is that they scored a little ahead on their comprehension skills, so the kids seem to understand what we are saying, they just don't care to speak back to us. Hopefully we'll get through this soon. I'm sure that one day we'll be wishing that they didn't talk!!


Donna said...

They understand what you're saying, but don't care to speak to you? Sounds like teenagers to me!!

Elizabeth Seats said...

so glad to hear that they like playschool and are doing good. hopefully it wont be much longer until you cant get them to stop talking.